Sunday, August 7, 2011

The boy in the striped pyjamas Chapter 2

  • Using quotes, how is the new house described?
The new house is described as a lonely house in the middle of no where with no one nearby and being small compared to the house in Berlin. "The house in Berlin had stood on a quiet street and alongside it were a handful of other big houses like his own, and it was always nice to look at them because they were almost the same as his house but not quite, and other boys lived in them who he played with (if they were friends) or steered clear of (if they were trouble). The new house, however, stood all on its own in an empty, desolate place and there were no other houses anywhere to be seen, which meant there would be no other families around and no other boys to play with, neither friends nor trouble" Which shows that Bruno thought that the house was lonely but it had someupsides because it had no people who he disliked
  • How does it compare to the house in Berlin? How is this an example of juxtaposition?
It compares to Berlin Because in Berlin he had friends and enemies, he had a big house which he never found out everything that was there. It is Juxaposition because they are Contrasting the house in Berlin with the new house.
  • How is Bruno's reaction and discussion of the new house taken by the other characters? What is ironic about the way people treat Bruno's comments regarding the new house?
Bruno's reaction and disscussion of the new house is not taken kindly by the other characters mainly his mum who just shuts him up and sends him to hhis room. It is ironic about how he is treated because at the begining his mum is treatin g him kinldly and it seems that she might actually take his ideas onboard but then she just gets really angry and sends Bruno to his room
  • Do you feel empathetic towards Bruno's new home? Why/why not?
I do because it seems that the home family is just being forced into this house without any forewarning to the children and it evokes empathy towards me because it seems unfair to treat the family so horribly.

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