Euthanasia, people think of it as murder but it is actually a release. A release from the pain. A release from the suffering and the torture of this world and pass on to the next. Lots of people think that euthanasia is murder, but what if you had a disease a incurable disease that had you in pain every day of your life until you pass on.People with diseases like bone, pancreas stomach cancer are in pain every day and there is a 20% of surviving in the first year and a 0% chance of survival in the 2nd year. As the cancer slowly destroys the person from the inside out they are in immense pain. Ebola is a disease that liquefies your insides slowly. It is a disease that liquifies your insides over 3-4 weeks. 3-4 weeks of slowly liquefying insides. 3-4 weeks of no sleep no rest and no respite from the pain and the suffering. These people know they will die and yet they cannot pass on from the pain and `the worst amount of pain is right before you pass away.
Nick Clarke a BBC journalist had bone cancer and for 16 months he was in excruciating pain. He spent every hour of his life before he passed away he was in pain. He was in excruciating pain. Every movement hurt every thing he did it hurt until finally he was released from the pain and the torture. Would it be wrong to have let him die and not suffer the pain, not suffer the torture not suffer the torment. Cancer could kill your children. If they were in pain would you want them to pass in the void? What if there was absolutely 0% chance of surviving and 110% chance of death. I know that if I or someone i loved would be in pain and would never recover wouldn't it be more humain to let them be released from the pain. People we have to let them pass, we have to let them not live for years in pain for the tiny candle of hope which 1000 times out of 1 will go out and they will pass away. Yes you will say 'but there is a chance of survival' but you are putting them through torture and pain for ages just for that slim chance. Say you were in the army and you were being mauled by some animal, wouldn't you want to be shot so you wouldn't have to experience that pain anymore. I know that it is more humain to hasten their passing on, I know that I would want to be hastened rather than suffer for ages, I know that it is the right thing to do. But do you?
So when you think of euthanasia don't think of murder suicide, think of release, think of saving them, releasing them from the pain of the disease, think of it as saving them from years of suffering and torture from the disease that is slowly killing them or in the case of Ebola Liquefying their insides. So you must not think of euthanasia as wrong and evil it isn't. It is saving and it is release. So never think of it as wrong but as right.